Create a new project by using Spring Initializr
2. Choose as many
dependecies as you need in your project. In my case I chose web, JPA and DevTools.
3. Type the group you
want your project have
4. Type the artifact
you want your project have
5. Generate the
project and save it.
See the image
6. Unzip the project that you
downloaded in the previous step.
7. Open your IDE, in my case I used
Eclipse Oxygen
8. In File -> Import, search maven
and choose Existing maven options
See the image
9. Click next
10. Click in Browse, search your
unzipped project and select it.
11. Pom.xml file is selected by default,
just click on finish.
12. Your project will see you in the
project explorer with a M
See the image.
13. Run your project as a Java
application by executing the class that is located in src/main/java in the
package that have the name of the domain that you typed in Spring Initializr.
14. If you are using JPA dependency you
need to add the Enabled configuration like the image below. The application
won’t run without it unless you specify a data source or database connection.
15. If you are using spring security you
need to add in your
application.propperties file like the image below. Application.propperties is
in src/main/resource package.
16. Create a simple HTML file in
src/main/resource/static called index.html
See the image
17. Open a browser and type localhost:8080,
by default the port of Spring is 8080. You would get your simple HTML
18. You might have some problems is you
install the Oracle database 11g because there are a service running on port
8080 you can change the port of Spring by adding server.port=8090 to your
application.propperties file
Thanks for reading
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